Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The day I realized I couldn't blame my muffin top on a baby anymore.

I've always been thin. Someone who doesn't have to think a lot about what they eat. A girl who loves going to the gym, playing sports, and being active. A person that loves spending hours preparing fresh, healthy food.

And then I had a baby.

You always hear people rave about the weight you lose while breastfeeding- this was not the case for me. I ate well after my son was born (except for the addiction to 'cook and serve' chocolate pudding. And processed junk that could be quickly microwaved and consumed with one hand), but he HATED the stroller, so I couldn't take long walks with him. He was a clingy little guy, so the hours I used to spend preparing fantastic meals now took the form of a frazzled mama holding a fussing baby in one arm and popping a frozen lasagna into the oven with the other.

I finally lost all the weight (and then some! I ended up a Skinny Minnie, finally. Thanks after all, nursing!) once he was a year old. I could feel a shift in my body; I think it *was* hormonal (though I could have still made a bit of progress earlier, had I tried), and suddenly my body realized that it *didn't* need to cling to extra pounds to ensure there was enough milk for the little nursling. But, finally, I was thin again....and I felt great!

And then....I had another baby. A big, fat 9 lb baby.

So, again, I used the 'I *just* had a baby! And my body hates to lose weight while nursing!" excuses. I accepted that I'd stay...erm...chubby until she was close to a year, and then the weight would fall off. She is now almost 15 months old. The chubbiness remains.

I believe what holds me back the most are those excuses. "I don't have time to work out! It's biological- I can't help it! It's too hard to cook healthy foods while watching two kids!" Add to that the little things- eating what Sammy leaves behind on her tray, rationalizing that I "deserve" a treat because I had a rough all adds up and the scale stays where it is. Also, I sometimes wonder if I'd have more motivation if I had a LOT to lose? I'm 5'11" and 142. I know that's not catastrophic, but I'm not happy with it. I don't feel energetic or healthy. Or cute (and let's be honest...cuteness makes you feel good, too.) And so, the rationalizations stop now. (I realize that if I had a lot to lose, I would then be complaining that it's simply too large of an endeavor, so why bother? See how good some of us are at rationalizing?)

I've got two kids who LOVE to play outside and it is FINALLY spring here. They're both at an age that I actually have a few minutes to cook something fresh rather than resort to pasta, etc. that I'd cooked and frozen ahead of time. And we're living in the darn heartland of the country- fresh produce is cheap and abundant!

As a jump-start, I'd like to show a few of my favorite healthy treats. Obviously, I'm no expert, but I do know that when you have kids and you're on the run all the time, it's hard to always plan what you will eat ahead of time. And, I've learned that if you're really craving a treat, if you don't cave in a sensible way, then you'll hide the PS3 controller until your husband finally agrees to run to the gas station to get you a Snickers. Not that I've ever done that...ahem.

I used to start my days with Chai. This Tazo stuff is essentially what Starbucks uses, and it's sugary. And amazing. And did I mention sugary?

I've replaced it with some coffee with a bit of milk and sugar-free syrup (my fave is vanilla, right now). I don't get that horrible crash from the sugar and I get an energy boost from the caffeine.

I looooove Starbucks, so when I'm out and about and want some, I've traded this:
(A delicious white chocolate mocha, with gobs of whipped cream, 510 calories)

For this:
(delicious iced coffee with milk and sugar free syrup, 190 calories)

That saves 320 calories!! Not to mention the fact that I feel energized after the iced coffee, and was just sluggish after the sugary mocha wore off.

If I want something sweet, I can eat an ENTIRE pineapple, for just 230 calories.
(You don't wanna eat it all in one sitting. Trust me. I was told raw pineapple would send me into labor, and at 10 days overdue with Miss Samantha, I tried it. I had sores on my tongue from the acid, but no baby.)

On the run? Try a fruit and yogurt parfait from McDonald's (160 calories) and a 4 piece McNugget (190 calories). Proof that even McDonald's can work in a diet!

What's that? People over the age of 13 aren't supposed to enjoy Nuggets? Don't judge. They're delicious "food".

And, when I'm craving ice cream? Can't go wrong with Skinny Cow ice cream. The are amazing. And huge.
And so, I am getting honest with myself about what really goes into my body. And I am working towards the Skinny Minnie version of myself again (or at least Thin Lynn...Non-fat Pat?).

I'd love links, tips, and success stories from you!

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